Let me start by saying that I am not a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). I'm also not a work-at-home-mom (WAHM). I am a full-time, out-of-the-house working mother of two. If that hasn't run you off yet, I'm about to add another kink into this intro.
I am a middle school teacher. Specifically, I am a State Certified, fully licensed "Highly Qualified" under No-Child-Left-Behind English and History teacher.
I have chosen to provide for my family by teaching insanely hormonal pre-teens. Oh, and I'm planning on homeschooling my youngest. She is currently 2 years old.
Have any questions yet? Lord knows I do and I'm the one writing this.
First, why only homeschool your youngest? That's an easy one to answer. My oldest child doesn't like homeschooling. He does better when he is around others. Considering he was an only child for 10 years, it was best for him to receive a more traditional school setting. Granted, he doesn't go to the local public school. He actually attends the charter school I teach at. Think, all the benefits of a non-religious private school, but none of the cost.
Second, why homeschool? You're a teacher, don't you like schools? I can see what is happening in schools that a lot of parents cannot see because I'm part of the education field. I can see the impact of "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) and how it has left so many children behind that they will always feel like a failure in the "real" world.
Third, and when do you plan on doing this? That's a great question. Next!
Fourth, doesn't it cost a lot to homeschool? It can. I have the benefit of having resources already from my job and from my son's younger years. However, the homeschooling catalog in front of me offers some nice full resource kits for $134.96.😶 To be honest, that is on the higher side for Preschool, but yes, homeschooling can get extremely expensive. The positive about Preschool is that many things can be created because toddlers and younger children do learn best through play.
Fifth, are you nuts? Yep.
I hope you enjoyed this little introduction journey. I hope that I can keep up with posting too. The final goal is to encourage other parents that don't have their *ish together. I'm not fancy. I'm not a Pinterest mom, and frankly, I don't think I've showered yet today. (Should probably do that.) I'm just a mom who gives a damn.