Thursday, June 2, 2022

Big Changes for Such a Little Girl

I've been absent from writing for awhile. No good excuse other than exhaustion, stress, and depression along with raising a toddler, a teenager, and a husband all at once. ðŸ¤¦‍♀️ Now that it's summer vacation for me I can actually do somethings that I've been wanting to do. 

The first thing is potty training. My poor MIL has been trying since December when she was only 2 years and 3 months old. DH and I knew that she wasn't ready just yet and tried to explain this to my MIL. However, she kept pushing and now I have an uphill battle to potty train. I wish she would have waited until summer like I wanted to, but, alas, we must press forward. 

Same child is also going through some milestone markers at this time too. She is a few months shy of being 3. MIL and I would love for her to be in preschool during the school year at least 2 times a week. DH, not so much. I think his little princess is growing up too fast for him. After all, our son, Prince, (the 12 year old) is hitting some other milestones. I might discuss some of those struggles later. Right now, I want to focus on Princess.

Let's start with the best news to me. She loves books. She loves stories, she doesn't sit still long enough to read them yet (and she still doesn't recognize letters), but she loves books. Her favorite is the Brown Bear, Brown Bear series By Bill Martin, Jr. (Eric Carle did the illustrations). She listens to and sings the songs for the books constantly. She even has to go to bed with one of her books each night.

I've gotten her several Montessori toys to help her learn and she mastered all of them in less than a day. Didn't matter what type of puzzle, fine motor skills, gross motor skill, or any other skill they are working with, she mastered it as soon as I opened the boxes. She is definitely a kinesthetic learner, or someone who learns by doing, rules, directions, and examples be damned!

I also noticed that she may be dramatic, but that's because of my reactions to it. I have to admit, with everything I've had going on with the end of the school year, I have given in to her too much. That brings me to the next challenge with her this summer: Quite Time. I used to do this with my son when he was little. It built up his endurance for when we were at church so he could sit with me. It's her turn now.

The last major thing I want to work on with Princess is getting rid of the paci. She loves that thing and will use it if it's there. That means that it just doesn't need to be there anymore. My plan is to do the same thing with her's that I did with my son's. I snip the tip off. She tries to suck on it and just gives up and tosses them in the trash herself. I must be cautious of my timing with this. She is a spicy child so I know there will be tears and some yelling. I have to do this when my husband goes on vacation at the end of the month. That way he won't get upset about the lack of sleep and can take turns with me at calming her down.

While these may seem small for us, to a toddler, we are entering big territory. Pray for me. Lord knows I will need all the help I can get over the next 2 months.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Random Things

 I always like to point out that I'm not perfect. Don't believe me? Wait until you read a few of these

posts and you'll see I'm an English teacher who struggles with spelling. Ironic? Yep!

I say that so I can share this story with you.

Last Saturday I went to the Mommy store (Target). We had been locked up in our homes for a few days trying to dig out of a blizzard. We just wanted out of the house and Target was calling my soul.

We went in, I purchased a few things, then we left. Nothing major. As we were there, my son and I were singing some toddler tunes with my daughter. It kept her distracted and we were having fun being a bit silly. It's what we do. When we were walking out to our car we were on our five thousandth round of singing Johnny, Johnny and laughing about it. My son, Harry, put our purchases in the trunk while I strapped Hannah into her car seat. 

As we were in this packing up process another family was returning to their car directly next to us. Mom had finally had enough of whatever the youngest was doing. Threats of no electronics were made, Dad looked exhausted, and their older daughter was walking behind the fast-paced mom trying to go unnoticed. No judgment on any of this from me. I've been there. Do what you gotta do. As the Mom was walking her cart to the corral I was also returning my cart. We reach the corral at the same time and she shoves the cart in with all of her frustration. Steps back and sighs. Then looks at me as I put my cart back and says "It must be nice to be so perfect." 

That took me off guard and I just stood there and looked at her for a moment. I'm sure I looked shocked because I felt shocked. She stormed off to her car, and they left. As the car was pulling out of their spot I was waiting by the back of my car and watching. (I didn't want to get hit trying to get into my car.) The best way I could describe the look that she had as they were pulling out was pure anger, frustration, and a point of burnout that can only be experienced more than expressed. 

I don't know who this person was. I don't know what she is going through, and I don't know what happened in the store to upset her so much. I'm not even mad about her comment. I'm actually taking it as a compliment instead of the insult that it was meant to be. Why? 

One word: Cheesegrater. I am relaying this event after I just bandaged up Hannah from her exploration of the cheesegrater. 3 cuts, 3 bandaids, and one washed lovey later, she's fine. I didn't even know she was hurt because she didn't say anything. I just noticed the blood on her lovey (Bun-bun) and went looking to see where she was bleeding from. 

I am not perfect, that was just a good day. I hope that this Mamma is having a better time of it now. No hate towards her, no judgment, not even an ounce of malice. I actually prayed for her that night and will be praying for her again today since she is on my mind. I've been to that point with my son when he was younger and I will probably get there again. Only Christ was perfect and I sure am not Christ. 

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Starting Something

 Most experts agree that children learn the most in the first 3 - 5 years of their life. I can't refute this. Babies go from adorable jelly, pooping, blobs to up-right, walking, talking, terrors toddlers. 😎 (IYKYK)

That makes us then start to ask what is the best way to teach our little ones. In my case, both of my children like to learn at their own pace and like to learn through mimicking. (It was fun to hear my son yell "No shit." at church after the pastor said Christ is Risen.) My daughter (Hannah) is currently learning to cook in her own little way. She likes to come in the kitchen and climb up on her stool then ask a lot of questions and touch everything I'm touching. Her first grab of ground beef left me laughing. She kept calling in Play Dough. 

I want to use this to my advantage when starting her in preschool. This means that she is going to learn through a lot of playing. Many children learn best this way, but some are calmer and like to be shown and then do. My spicy girl doesn't like to be shown. She is more of an explorer. 

There are a few methods that fit this type of child. Montessori is one of the most prominent. There is also Charlotte Mason's method, which tends to be more nature-centered and allows for outdoor exploration along with structured time. 

Let's be honest, we live in Ohio. Now is not a good time to have our 2yo go outside to explore with a windchill in the negatives. I'm also not great with going full force into a method where you need "special supplies" that are insanely expensive. This is where my teacher senses start to tingle (like Spidey senses, but for teachers.)  

What if I re-create some of these opportunities with toys we already have or things we have at home. This is where I am right now. I'm searching through all of her non-electronic toys and finding things that allow for pretend play, motor skill development, and possibly reading and math skills. 

I'll have to post some of what I find that works. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Not Your Typical Introduction

 Let me start by saying that I am not a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). I'm also not a work-at-home-mom (WAHM). I am a full-time, out-of-the-house working mother of two. If that hasn't run you off yet, I'm about to add another kink into this intro.

I am a middle school teacher. Specifically, I am a State Certified, fully licensed "Highly Qualified" under No-Child-Left-Behind English and History teacher. 

I have chosen to provide for my family by teaching insanely hormonal pre-teens. Oh, and I'm planning on homeschooling my youngest. She is currently 2 years old. 

Have any questions yet? Lord knows I do and I'm the one writing this. 

First, why only homeschool your youngest? That's an easy one to answer. My oldest child doesn't like homeschooling. He does better when he is around others. Considering he was an only child for 10 years, it was best for him to receive a more traditional school setting. Granted, he doesn't go to the local public school. He actually attends the charter school I teach at. Think, all the benefits of a non-religious private school, but none of the cost.

Second, why homeschool? You're a teacher, don't you like schools? I can see what is happening in schools that a lot of parents cannot see because I'm part of the education field. I can see the impact of "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) and how it has left so many children behind that they will always feel like a failure in the "real" world. 

Third, and when do you plan on doing this? That's a great question. Next!

Fourth, doesn't it cost a lot to homeschool? It can. I have the benefit of having resources already from my job and from my son's younger years. However, the homeschooling catalog in front of me offers some nice full resource kits for $134.96.😶 To be honest, that is on the higher side for Preschool, but yes, homeschooling can get extremely expensive. The positive about Preschool is that many things can be created because toddlers and younger children do learn best through play.

Fifth, are you nuts? Yep. 

I hope you enjoyed this little introduction journey. I hope that I can keep up with posting too. The final goal is to encourage other parents that don't have their *ish together. I'm not fancy. I'm not a Pinterest mom, and frankly, I don't think I've showered yet today. (Should probably do that.) I'm just a mom who gives a damn.

Big Changes for Such a Little Girl

I've been absent from writing for awhile. No good excuse other than exhaustion, stress, and depression along with raising a toddler, a t...